We made it! 2,004 miles and over $5000.00! We are tired and happy to be finished. We are now at my brother's house with his wife Carla and their two children, Conner and Cerrigan. We have been napping and eating voraciously and spending very little time outside. Our bikes are sitting neglected in the garage. We both decided Kentucky was the most beautiful state with Missouri coming in second. Kansas has the nicest people but we prefer hilly terrain over flat terrain. We missed the hardships of the Appalachains, only suffered through their foothills.

It does feel strange not to be waking up and getting ready for a day of riding but it also feels quite peaceful. We feel so fortunate to have made the trip with only numerous flat tires and a stolen Bob trailer as mishaps - no bodily injuries other than a swollen knee and occasional sunburn. We really couldn't have done it without all the suppor through your comments here, on Facebook and through your donations. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

7/26/2011 12:35:40 am

Congratulations! You two are amazing!!!

Maureen Carlson
7/26/2011 09:46:14 am

Yay!! Congrats and enjoy your grand accomplishment.

I'm so proud of both of you, as you should be also. You girls are AMAZING and certainly inspire me as I look forward to doing my Tri for the Cure on Aug. 7th. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

7/26/2011 10:52:46 am

Wonderful! Every mile, and every flat tire, and every moment when you -- together -- decided to keep going. Pride does not begin to cover what I feel for the two of you. You have done so much to honor Shawn and to make a difference for others. Love, Dorrie

7/26/2011 03:46:59 pm

Congratulations! You must feel sooo good and proud to have accomplished this. I thought about you every day and enjoyed your blog. I hope you are indulging yourself to whatever you deserve.

7/27/2011 04:20:54 am


Kevin & Chika
7/29/2011 01:47:02 am

Congratulations! Sitting here in Boulder and thinking of your journey...your final pics show the transformation from one place in America where you started to another. How cool that you pulled it off and kept your sanity (thanks to a mother/daughter good sense of humor eh)!

See you when you get back!

7/9/2012 02:54:06 am

This post is really helpful for everyone, thanks for such a good post.....


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