Cut and paste this, and you'll see us biking in a downpour and talking about bipolar.
7/21/2011 08:57:01 am

You ladies are hardcore! I melt in the rain!

7/24/2011 04:20:14 am

Laura and Raine, thanks for the video. (It was good to see that you are both safe and sound.) Congrats on making it to the last state. Amazing!
I found the comment you received in reference to the video very touching. (The comment from a man who is successfully living with BP. Seems both he and you have "made a difference.")

7/24/2011 04:29:42 am

Congratulations! You've done an amazing and unselfish thing - but something that will be part of your memories forever. Your confidence levels should be off the charts - you've handled some tough adversity without backing down. Thank you for sharing your ride.


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